

“You have to fall in love with this city, otherwise you’ll feel miserable”Paramahamsa Nithyananda


Just got back to Kuala Lumpur from Varanasi where I’ve volunteered for the Inner Awakening and Shivoham retreat conducted by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

You can’t list all benefits of the program – there so many of them and you really need to come to Kashi (Varanasi) and experience the transformation in YOU. Here are just a few highlights of the program: the Awakening of your Third-Eye and Initiation into intuition & blind-fold reading. Listen, ALL participants were able to read blindfolded after the program! Including me.


Additionally, you will experience the ancient city of Varanasi, that can’t be described, you have to feel its colors!


See the faces of Varanasi…

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What could be better than seating and watching the magnificent sunrise after the taking a bath in the Holy Ganga?

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Or early morning boat ride to see how the Holy city is waking up. Such a big difference from the last evening – different colors, different crowd, different Ganga – more peaceful, more loving and forgiving…

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This is the beauty of not touristy Varanasi!!! What a day!


The Universe is showering us with the gifts and blessings and opening all doors! Wow!

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And don’t forget about Holy Cow!!!

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They are like humans, they like shopping…


Photo credits go to my friend from Moscow

Photo credits go to my friend from Moscow

and enjoying entertainment, the Arati ceremony

Photo credits go to my friend from Moscow

Photo credits go to my friend from Moscow

And the goats!

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I had a luxury to experience Varanasi as a tourist and as a spiritual seeker. This city can fulfill all your wild expectations: you can see the beauty of Vedic tradition, admire the beautiful faces of people, and at the end…enjoy the cup of perfect coffee.

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This is what I love about India!


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