Category Archives: Travel Planning

Culinary Delights of Sri Lanka

I must post the pictures of the fruits and food we eat in Sri Lanka.     Many of these fruits we saw and tasted the first time in our life. Rambutan

Sri Lanka

We are touring Srl Lanka and visiting “must see” touristy sites. Today we climbed The Lion Rock (600 ft.) in Sigiriya enjoying the pathways, terraces, ponds, cave paintings and sculptures on our

Varkala & Kollam, Kerala, India

We are spending this holiday season in the small beach town Varkala. The main tourist attraction here is the famous Varkala Cliff. It beautiful, but is too touristy for us. Luckily, we

South Goa

We are living a simple beach life in South Goa.  It is “off-season” here and we enjoy all perks associated with this time of the year.  To tell the truth, I was

Jindal vs. I-AIM

After Jindal Nature Cure  I joined my husband at I-AIM Health Care Centre to get a few more Ayurvedic massages and treatments, just for fun, and satisfy my long term desire for

Namaste India!

  Completed our Russian adventure. Enjoyed everything in Moscow but were so happy when landed in New Delhi, India. Staying in Delhi in B&B and feel like finally came home.  We are


Dacha is the suburban summer house, and majority of Russians, if can afford,  have one. Our relative brought us to her dacha which is located approximately 50 miles from her apartment in

Russia. Moscow

We are implementing the most irrational decision of our journey – visiting Russia.  We don’t have to report back to work, so we can afford to do whatever comes to our mind,

Settling in NY, Week Two

Our friends could not believe that we were so busy in NYC.  “Busy? Doing what? You are not going to work; you do not have a house, no cars… What you are


As a part of our big plan to retire early abroad, we’ve sold our house a few days.  As I wrote in the earliest posts, we loved our house so much! I