We finished our mini vacation (Penang-Langkawi) and now are back “home” in KL. Thanks AirAsia for the cheap tickets!
Enjoyed Langkawi – white sand beaches,
the sunset and panoramic views from the top of the Gunung Raya Tower…
and from the Cable Car (on the last day). Amazing views from the top!
The sky and the sea merging into each other – infinity…
and the last sunset…
Glad to be back but miss our new friends from the small restaurant at the Pasir Tengkorak Beach.
Every day Kras (from Bulgaria) and Nas (from Malaysia) treated us like their family. Nas cooked for us the delicious vegetarian meals, using his grandmother’s techniques. Every day he surprised us with some new gastronomic creation… what a treat!
Just look at these pictures! We miss you guys!
We met so many amazing people – the TV talk show host from Hawaii (they call him Orphan of Maui), the beach cafe owner from Bulgaria and his Malaysian partner, I mentioned above, the guy who learned sealing at age of eight, and arrived to Langkawi to register his new yacht. We even got invited to check his yacht…
Life full is beautiful!
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