Moving On…

Hoi An Vietnam

I made an executive decision to retire this blog!

Over five years ago, when we just opened the next chapter of our lives, it looked reasonable to start blogging.  (The first chapter of our lives was in the former USSR; the next – when we moved to the US).I thought that the blog would be a way to update our friends where we are and what we enjoy doing or seeing.

The time passed, and the new technologies opened so many new opportunities for the seamless communication.  The idea of maintaining the blog is outdated, at least in our case.  Maybe this is because we are not selling or promoting anything?


I dedicated some time to write reviews and post the photos on TripAdvisor.   I was surprised and proud at the same time to see that my reviews have been seen by over 640,000 readers.  By sharing our experiences I enriched over a HALF MILLION people!


Here is the link to all my reviews on TripAdvisor  Early Retirement Abroad reviews on TA

I also noticed that it is much easier for me to share the short posts on Facebook instead of publishing them on the blog.  Again, the short post could reach and enrich more people.

Facebook posts can be found here:  Early Retirement Abroad on Facebook

No Facebook login is needed to view the posts.


A few videos from our trips are posted on YouTube.  The videos have been created just for fun, and since I am not promoting anything, they have a limited exposure.

Early Retirement Abroad on YouTube



My last passion is to share on Instagram the food we taste or cook during our travel.


I promote our food preference (satvic vegan) and found support from the global vegan community.

Early Retirement Abroad on Instagram


Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and on TripAdvisor.


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