Category Archives: Retirement Planning
Vacaion in Mexico City
Our dearest friend just returned from the one week vacation in Mexico City. His decision to go there was not the easy one, thanks to media and friends’ advice. Honestly, he was so
“Go Naked”
Yesterday I called my former employer to check if I am eligible for the health coverage during my early retirement. At the time of separation, I was eligible for the coverage. The operator
Executing The Plan
The train is still moving towards its final destination. The“train” represents my husband and I. A “final destination” is our departure day, the day when we’ll leave the US to explore the
Finding the Best Mail Forwarding Service
As I wrote in the Go Digital post, you need the US address. That can be established when you subscribe to the mail forwarding service. What is the best mail forwarding service
My Retirement Guru
I love Kathleen Peddicord. She is my “Retirement” Guru. Whatever questions or concerns I have, she will answer them in her e-letters. Kathleen Peddicord, the publisher of the Live and Invest Overseas, often referrers